Saturday, April 22, 2017

What a fail: SUPERHOT Teaser (SUPERHOT Part 0.5)

Yeah, the story behind this is that I accidentally recorded without realizing that everything was still set on system sound, so nothing recorded my mic...

What? What about Audacity?

... erm..

Shut up, that's what!


Fine. Everything was set on system sound, and I forgot to turn on my mic in the first place.. :P

So yeah, I just cut out the highlight reel and called it a "teaser". Cheap man's way out,  I know, but I have to post a video every week! It's both a personal goal and a service for you guys!

Fun fact: I seriously spent about half an hour on Tree Dude alone. That's why I thought it'd be funny to pretty much make this a joke teaser by making it 60% Tree Dude.

Fun fact 2: The actual "SUPERHOT" gameplay footage was during a run where I was trying to kill every enemy without shooting a single bullet. It succeeded in that section so well due to the sheer mass of katanas on that level, but the next levels were harder. I did it, though! I got through level 2 without using a single bullet!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

My first collab!: Hunting In A Winter Wonderland (theHunter Part 1)

This one's really exciting, because it's the first time someone's ever done a collab video with me. I must give most of the credit for the quality of the collab itself to Robert, because he was very good at politely reminding me of things anybody who does a collab should do, such as saying the right YouTube name of your collaborator, describing the game you're playing, etc...

But yeah, it was really fun to finally play with another person. Plus there's the fact that there was another person, so I could do some fun editing techniques such as the end part where I had him shoot me. Really looking forward to many more videos such as this 'cause there are so many fun and interesting people out there!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

First post on this blog: Just Around The Corner (Portal 2 Community Test Chambers Part 4)

Hey, a new day, a new blog, and of course, a new blog post! Anyways, though this is a brand new thing, let's keep the intro short and get right to this video.

This one is kind of special, both because this is my own level in the community test chambers and it marks the end of the portal playthrough. Now that it's over, I'd like to thank anybody who's seen every single portal video from the first to this last one. It means a lot to me that you put that much time into this channel!

In terms of the video itself, I don't have much to say except one concern. That concern is that I may have made my level out to be more than it is and I may have been a little.. what's the word... I may have put too much emphasis on the fact that I made this level and put a lot of time into it. I'm sorry if I sound selfish or something, but when you put that much effort into something it's hard not to be proud of the accomplishment. Still, though, bad move on my part, hope you understand :P.