What? What about Audacity?
... erm..
Shut up, that's what!
Fine. Everything was set on system sound, and I forgot to turn on my mic in the first place.. :P
So yeah, I just cut out the highlight reel and called it a "teaser". Cheap man's way out, I know, but I have to post a video every week! It's both a personal goal and a service for you guys!
Fun fact: I seriously spent about half an hour on Tree Dude alone. That's why I thought it'd be funny to pretty much make this a joke teaser by making it 60% Tree Dude.
Fun fact 2: The actual "SUPERHOT" gameplay footage was during a run where I was trying to kill every enemy without shooting a single bullet. It succeeded in that section so well due to the sheer mass of katanas on that level, but the next levels were harder. I did it, though! I got through level 2 without using a single bullet!