Monday, October 29, 2018

Some Interesting Stuff: What - Far Cry 5 Part 10

Well, to start off, let's just say that some of the stuff in this video was... interesting to say the least.

Ok, that's enough about the video, now for some real talk. I had to postpone this video forever until I got a job, but now that I have a job it's been a pain in the butt to schedule school, work, and YouTube. But I haven't given up.

What I'm going to do to start is finish up all the pre-recorded series (there are still a bunch of videos waiting to be edited), and after that I may do some more traditional videos, but another likely scenario is doing what people like VideogameDunkey and RTGame do, which is stream then edit the highlights. I already have a hilarious Skyrim stream set up in this way because something absolutely friggin' hilarious happened and I'm trying to keep it streamable. The only trouble is that I have to remember what the plan was in the video, although I'm sure at least part of it will come back to me as the stream goes on. This isn't likely to become the new format, but I thought it'd be fun to try out.

Anyways, no schedule yet, but in the future will be more Far Cry, a finish to Doki Doki complete with poems, DOOM, and possibly more S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Well, definitely more S.T.A.L.K.E.R, but whether I record more is up for grabs.

I guess that's it for now. If you still haven't joined my Discord server, that's a great place for more live and up-to-date updates. if you'd like more than the possibly-one-per-video updates.