So here's the deal for the short term. I am not in a position to use camera, so that extra bit will be absent for a few videos. But here's the upside: I got the PewDiePie Razer Nari Ultimate!
Yes, the Nari Ultimate is awesome, and yes, the PewDiePie design is epic. But, that's not the reason I'm mentioning that. The true reason is that my old headphones were dying day by day. At some point the mic went out, and soon after I accidentally spilled water on them and the left headphone stopped working. Let me tell you, it is no treat trying to make a video when you can only hear out of your right ear, and it's not easy making new recordings when all you have is an omni-directional mic. So much background noise... so much... But it's all better now! Now I can hear the atrocious mixing in previous videos better than ever! Oh my goodness did it suck. But now, not only can I hear out of both ears, I also get a simulated 3D surround system to mix with! And a (very muted for some reason) hot new mono-directional microphone!
... So please believe me when I say I know how terrible the audio is in this video XD
Hey, I tried! But there's something up with the mic and I only found out after making the video that OBS wasn't recording desktop audio. The next video all this should be fixed, but for now please bear with me. It's tough getting back on the YouTube wagon, but totally worth the effort!
Alright, enough rambling for this post. We'll save any more rambling for the next video's post! Or maybe just a standalone rambling post, who knows. I'm ramblin', ramblin' round, I'm a ramblin' guy...
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