Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Yes, I Actually Ate It: Buying In Bulk (sparkypiii Miniskit 4)

Hey, may as well start adding sparkypiii miniskits here, why not?

So I bought a ream of 500 pieces of printer paper for $6.00 so I could start learning to draw, but then I thought to myself, "You know what you do that nobody else does? Eat paper. You should make a video on that." And I did. 

In case you're wondering, I don't make a habit of eating paper, but you know how if you tear out a notebook page, there's still the stuff stuck to the swirly part? That stuff bugs me, so I take it out, and since it'd be too annoying to stand up in class to throw it away, I eat it. 

Anyways, that's all besides the point, the point is you should start buying in bulk. It saves you tons of time and money, removing the need to go to the store every day for the tiniest thing. I recommend Sam's Club, they have some really good deals and some awesome exclusive items. Their notebook paper is to die for.

(Also, if you're wondering, I'm just too lazy and it's 2 in the morning, so I'm probably not going to make a thumbnail for this one)

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