Thursday, March 15, 2018

Pie By The Campfire: Pi Day Camp Songs!

This year I was super late making the Pi Day video (in fact, it was 12:42 AM the next day before I got it uploaded), but I'm super happy with the result!

I had all these ideas for silly edits and extras, but at the (very late) time I uploaded, it seemed like a better idea to keep it simple and just use what I had on-hand.

Besides that, if you want the lyrics for the songs to sing at your next campfire gathering of super nerds, here you go!

Song 1:
It’s pi day it’s pi day it’s piiii day
A wonderful way to pi, a wonderful way to pie
It’s pi day it’s pi day it’s piiii day
A wonderful way to pi, a wonderful way to die

Song 2:
We lost our tiiin, we lost our tiiin
We have no use, for your crust now (for your crust nooooow)

Song 3:
Have you ever seen a pie tin a pie tin a pie tin
Have you ever seen a pie tin well there’s one right now 
Bakes this way and that way and this way and that way
Have you ever seen a pie tin well there’s one right now

Song 4:
Row row row your boat gently down the stream
Throw your best friend overboard and eat their pie and ‘cream 

Song 2 (Reprise):
We found our tiiin, we found our tiiin
We have some use, for your crust now (for your crust nooooow)